Set, Dictionary and Conditional Comprehensions III/III

This is advanced topic for Comprehensions.

Hello, bioinformatics enthusiasts!

Welcome to Part III of our journey into Python list comprehensions. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into the versatility of list and dictionary comprehensions for bioinformatics tasks. By leveraging these tools, you can streamline processes like filtering sequences, parsing FASTA files, and creating indexed sequence dictionaries—all while keeping your code clean and Pythonic.

Let’s start by revising what we have done in last two posts.

What Are Comprehensions in Python?

Comprehensions are compact ways to construct lists, sets, or dictionaries from an iterable. They offer a readable and concise way to process data in a single line of code.

Basic syntax:

Breaking Down Comprehensions with Examples

Let’s start with some simple examples before applying these concepts to bioinformatics problems.

1. Iterating Over a Sequence

Convert a DNA sequence into a list of its bases:

seq = "ATGCA"
[base for base in seq]
# Output: ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', 'A']

2. Creating a Set of Unique Bases

Using set comprehensions, you can quickly identify the unique bases in a sequence:

{base for base in seq}
# Output: {'A', 'T', 'G', 'C'}

Parsing FASTA Files with List and Dictionary Comprehensions

FASTA files are a common format in bioinformatics. Using comprehensions, we can efficiently extract and organize sequence data.

Reading FASTA Sequences

To extract sequences from a FASTA file, let’s start with these helper functions:

1. Read and Split FASTA Strings

This function splits the file contents by the > delimiter:

def read_FASTA_strings(filename):
    with open(filename) as file:

2. Extract Headers and Sequences

Using list comprehensions, partition each entry into header and sequence:

def read_FASTA_entries(filename):
    return [seq.partition("\n") for seq in read_FASTA_strings(filename)]

3. Clean the Sequence Data

Remove newline characters and return the headers alongside clean sequences:

def read_FASTA_sequences(filename):
    return [[seq[0], seq[2].replace("\n", "")] for seq in read_FASTA_entries(filename)]

Example Output:

# Output: [['Header1', 'ATGCGTACG'], ['Header2', 'GGCTACGTT']]

Creating an Indexed Sequence Dictionary

Dictionaries are excellent for associating FASTA headers with their sequences. Using a dictionary comprehension:

def make_indexed_sequence_dictionary(filename):
    return {info: seq for info, seq in read_FASTA_sequences(filename)}

Example Output:

# Output: {'Header1': 'ATGCGTACG', 'Header2': 'GGCTACGTT'}

Filtering Sequences with Conditional Comprehensions

You can include conditions in comprehensions to filter sequences that meet specific criteria. This is particularly useful for distinguishing between DNA and RNA sequences.

Identify RNA Sequences

To filter sequences containing the base U (specific to RNA):

rna_dna_list = ["ATGC", "TCGA", "AUGC", "UCGA"]
[seq for seq in rna_dna_list if "U" in seq]
# Output: ['AUGC', 'UCGA']

Identify DNA Sequences

Similarly, filter sequences containing the base T (specific to DNA):

[seq for seq in rna_dna_list if "T" in seq]
# Output: ['ATGC', 'TCGA']

Practical Applications in Bioinformatics


Python’s comprehensions are powerful tools for bioinformatics tasks, enabling you to write concise and efficient code. By mastering these techniques, you can streamline data parsing, filtering, and organization in your research projects.

What’s Next?

Ready to level up your Python code structure? Join us in the next article about Code Organization in Python where we’ll learn how to write cleaner, more maintainable bioinformatics scripts. Your future self will thank you for mastering these essential coding practices! 🚀

Feel free to comment below with questions or share how you’ve used Python comprehensions in your projects.

Happy coding! 🚀

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